So I gave in to my carnal desire and went to see Conan 3D this morning. I first saw the Arnold movie way back in the 80s. Meh. This one......OH ALL THAT IS HOLY! DROOL. Jason Momoa looks good in leather. Very good. So extremely fine. le sigh.
Oh you want to know about the movie? Well let's see....crap. I don't remember much after he came on screen. I mean really? You want me to remember a plot line and a story after seeing all of this? :

Way way WAY much better than the original. The story differs significantly from the 80s version and IMNSVHO is much better. Ok so seriously, the acting will never win any Oscars but who cares? For 2 hours this morning I enjoyed myself. Very much.
/did I mention I was alone in the cinema? :D
I know right??? My new wet dream :D
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